Wednesday, July 23, 2008

HUCKPAC'S VERTICAL DAY - Clegg & Cornyn Chime In

While taking a break to grab a bit to eat and rest my fingers two new posts were published as HuckPAC's Vertical Day continues.  First up is the Republican candidate for Congress (NH-2) and longtime Huckabee backer Bob Clegg:  

The Right to Life is not simply a modern idiom used for political purpose and mainstream media.  It is one of the significant foundations of our nation and it must honored.

Our Forefathers wrote in our Declaration of Independence that “we are endowed by the creator with certain inalienable rights, among these; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” In this triad, life comes first: you can neither have liberty, nor the opportunity to pursue happiness, if you are not afforded the right to life.

The “Pro-Life” issue is not one that can be addressed with a simple black/white answer. Though I am pro-life, that is not the only discussion that we must have. We must address parental notification, for example, and whether these discussions should take place at the federal or state level.

I served in the New Hampshire state legislature for 14 years. During which I worked hard to protect parental rights and to keep life decisions out of the hands of politicians and placed where they belong--with the family.  Current law, here and in many states, allows for a minor child to be taken to a clinic to end her pregnancy without a parent knowing.  This lacks clear common sense.  A 13 year old cannot go to a tanning booth without the consent of a parent, and yet can have a medically intrusive procedure, such as an abortion, without the parent even being made aware.

We see on the news far too often young teenagers meeting older men on line and beginning a relationship. However with the removal of the rights of a parent to care for his or her child, a 13 year old girl in New Hampshire can be brought to an abortion clinic by a 30 year old who caused the pregnancy and the parents will never be the wiser. To allow this lacks common sense. The government has taken over where family belongs. 

It is time these discussions take place with the people. Life and the right to life is an issue that should not live within the court system, nor within the federal government. The state government is the best place to hold discussions.  Those elected locally by the people have a better and stronger understanding of the needs and philosophies of the people than the federal government—who creates broad stroke laws that can never truly represent the individual issues and dynamics of states. It is a matter of state rights and it is a matter of individual and family rights.

We must remember to respect life at every stage, from childbirth to old age. It is a sacred gift that is to be cared for and nurtured until it expires. 

Please visit my website at for more details on my campaign.

The next post is by Texas Senator "Big John" Cornyn and he writes about the importance of the appointment of Federal Judges:

Presidents come and go, but federal judges are appointed for life. There is no more pressing concern about a future Obama presidency than his potential influence on the federal bench, particularly through his appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. The outlook is not reassuring.

With the addition of Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justice Alito, President Bush has restored some balance to the high court. The two new justices are jurists of impeccable character and record. Sen. Obama voted against both. The Washington Post reported that Sen. Obama was
advised to oppose Roberts by his staff, who feared that a "yes" vote would harm Obama among left-wing activists and interfere with his presidential primary prospects.

If history is any guide, the next President may have two or more appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. Sen. Obama, speaking to a Planned Parenthood conference last year, faulted the current judicial confirmation procedure, which relies heavily on legal experience and reputation among peers. Sen. Obama had a different outlook on the qualities needed on the federal bench: " We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom. The empathy to understand what it's like to be poor, or African-American, or gay, or disabled, or old. And that's the criteria by which I'm going to be selecting my judges."

Empathy should not be the prime qualification for the bench. Ability to apply the law fairly, without favor or prejudice, should guide this process. Sen. McCain has been responsible and constructive in judicial confirmations, reaching across party lines as a member of the Gang of 14
to break a partisan logjam over President Bush's judicial nominations. His success, quite frankly, surprised me. He has generally supported nominees of good character, men and women who have shown the ability to follow the law as written, and to avoid substituting their own views for
that law.

The stakes are high in this election. Sen. McCain has numerous attributes, including a strong record on cutting wasteful government spending. Some conservatives are irked because he's also shown an independent streak on events of the moment. But federal judges appointed in the next Presidential term will be serving, and rendering decisions, for decades. I would feel very comfortable if a President McCain were making those nominations. Thanks to Governor Huckabee, HuckPAC, and all the bloggers for inviting me to take place in "Vertical Day."

You can learn more about Senator John Cornyn at

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