Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Take on the Youtube Debate!

I must say the debate tonight caught me off guard. What I was expecting was a repeat of the first one with a bunch of goofy questions from potatoes and snowmen. The closest we got was a NRA member firing off guns and a Dick Cheney knock-off. The questions were more serious and some down right brutal. The Confederate Flag question was below the belt (but we did get one of those at the SC debate on Fox News back in May but it still wasn't well received this go around). So what are my impressions:

1. Like all the other major debates thus far they didn't give equal time to everyone. If you ask a question it should be asked to everyone to answer.

2, Another debate without education or health care questions! I am still shaking my head at this. These are issues the American people want to know about. the Democrats don't own these issues. Republicans have stances on them and they should be allowed to have their say on it in the public square.

3. the question at the end to Rudy and Romney on the Yankees and Red Sox was ridiculous and not a good way to end things at all. What did that have to do with any important issue?

4. I thought the song at the beginning was funny. Let's see if I can find it.

Ahh here it is!

So Winners and Losers:


Mitt/Rudy - their nights got off to a bickering start. They both got black eyes on the immigration issue which neither is authentic on. What a waste of five minutes! Mitt looked like a deer in headlights all night and Rudy was slammed with questions and attacked. I thought Huckabee was supposed to be attacked from all sides tonight but it was Rudy taken almost all the blows! Rudy did have the funniest ad of the night though. Kudos to that.

Fred - Moving right along....honestly he still puts me to sleep. Everyone got to present an ad and Fred's was a cheap shot at Mitt and Mike. Low blow. Bad form.

Hunter/Tancredo - These two are great people and nice guys. They are very intelligent but they should not have been on the stage. Their numbers are not anywhere near double-digits and we're almost in December now. I'd love to see them in a Huckabee Cabinet.


Paul - he's not a loser tonight but so-so. He got his points across and I repsect him for not backing down for what he believes in. I just don't agree with his stances on foreign policy. Sometimes he just seems angry to me.

WINNERS = Two of them

John McCain - McCain was definitely on the offensive tonight. He really shined. I have a lot of respect for him. Don't count out the Senator from Arizona just yet!

Mike Huckabee - This was a big night for him. The eyes of the nation were upon him with all the big news surrounding him lately. He was not given the proper respect and given less time than anyone else but he delivered the best lines of the night. He was strong on the FairTax (got the biggest applause all night in FairTax Florida)! His answer on the death penalty was excellent and was very tactful. Another line of the night was next "Jesus was smart enough not to run for public office!" I also loved his answer on the Space prgram. After he explained why it is needed, Mike went back to the question on Mars exploration and quipped "Let's Send Hillary on the first rocket!" Yet again it was quality over quantity of time for Huck and he delivered!

It wasn't the best debate but hey what are you to expect from CNN?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a kick out of Jeffrey Toobin's post-debate comment deriding Huck's pledge to get rid of theIRS. Apparently, Toobin does not yet know about the FairTax as a well-researched, sensible plan that would not only rid us of theIRS, but would go a long way toward correcting the embedded tax problems that America's exports carry, with no assessment on imports.

If Toobin had really been on the ball, he'd question the "flat" tax that Giuliani has co-opted despite the fact that he used to naysay it. It is a bad idea.


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