Thursday, November 15, 2007

LET'S ROLL - Huck's Army Special Forces Formed!

Good morning!

I don't know about you but it will be a busy day for me. It is finally the 15th of November and that means it's time to roll out! this afternoon, Lisa Chambers, myself, and a few others from Gwinnett County for Mike Huckabee will be meeting together for lunch and afterwards hitting the streets with our Huckabee signs! During lunch we will have plenty to talk about...even more than I thought yesterday!

A few days back I was invited to a conference call. If you have read this blog for a few months I have talked about the Blogger's calls with Mike Huckabee. This was different and perhaps more important. The conference call was about the formation of the Special Forces of Huck's Army.

Our General is a fine man from Kentucky named Bill. He made his mind up about Mike Huckabee during a CNN Debate when Mike was asked about Evolution by Wolf Blitzer. He spent a month in Iowa before the Straw Poll and was quite an asset to the operations there and the eventual 2nd place finish there back in August. Other than that he has lots of experience with managing large groups of people, he once managed a group of 40,000 at his last job before he retired. We definitely have a competent leader!

I was really not sure what to expect out of the call and I suppose that is quite appropriate. I've been doing that a lot lately. I didn't anticipate what this blog would become, how much on fire I would get for Mike Huckabee, or what would happen with the Gwinnett County Meetup group either. It's all been a leap of faith for me.

After introducing himself we went around the country and introduced ourselves to each other. We all were somewhat familiar with each other from the Huck's Army Forum. I don't know what the camaraderie is like with supporters of any other campaign but I don't think they can match our ability to become instant friends and our sincere adoration for Mike. What might have been quite rigid in other camps was very laid back and informal but we did not lose sight of our goal.

I am waiting a transcript of the call from some others on the forum. However the site is still down as it is being worked on for a re-launch to coincide with the Special-Forces operation kickoff. The site was to be ready at 0800 (8 AM Eastern) but to this point hasn't come back online yet. I will share notes from the call later since I don't think I can do them justice. What we talked about was of the utmost importance. Our first goal is of course to get Mike a win in Iowa and then spread operations all over the country.

What I did find out, to my excitement, that we, Huck's Army is a member of Team 100! For those who are not aware there is a Team of 100 people that are raising $100,000 each for the Mike Huckabee campaign by the end of December. If you do the math that equals $10 Million by the end of 4th Quarter! Huck's Army has been given a donor code of 160. We've been using that code for a few weeks now and we are already the Top Rated donor code!

I don't have too much time to talk this morning. Please check back this evening for more. I hope to have the notes from the call to share. This is not a covert operation anymore! I will also have pictures from the Sign Waving. Also expected today is a third poll from Iowa that will confirm the surge for Mike there. Oh and I will have news about Mike's first ad buy in the Hawkeye state as well!


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