We're now at $1,037,759.36 and counting!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Cue the balloons and cofetti cannons
We are now about $33,000 away from breaking the fundraising goal and one day ahead of schedule!!
“Shout About Mike Day” & CNN You Tube Debate Party
Its official on November 28th Georgia for Huckabee and the Conservatives For Truth, will be hosting a full day of activities.
Shout About Mike Day
We are calling November 28th “Shout About Mike Day”. Teams through out Georgia will be marching around the state in numerous towns, spreading the word about Mike Huckabee. We will be handing out flyers, standing on corners, and promoting both Mike Huckabee and the CNN You Tube Debate.
If you would like to join a team in your area, email me at shelbybarker@gmail.com
CNN You Tube Debate Party/Fundraiser
After we, “Shout About Mike” around the state, we will be meeting up at Xplayground located in Peachtree City to watch the CNN You Tube Debate. Xplayground will have food for purchase so come hungry!!
We will also be raffling off signed Mike Huckabee books, and giving away some great Mike Huckabee items.
This Debate party will act as a fundraiser for the Huckabee campaign, we expect 50-75 people there, so if you would like to attend please email me.
Where: Xplayground 313 Dividend Dr.
Peachtree City, Ga 30269
When: November 28th 7:30 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.
Cost: A minimum $10.00 donation is appreciated.
(Please give more, it’s a fundraiser after all)
Please bring a friend so that we can spread the news about Mike. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there!!
Thank you,
Shelby Barker
(President of Conservatives For Truth)
Less than $80,000 away!!!
Good work everyone! We're less than $80,000 away from breaking our goal and raising more online than the entire campaign raised in the 3rd Quarter alone!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Mike huckabee's Packed Schedule for This Week!
The following is Mike Huckabee's packed schedule through Sunday November 4th:
Media Advisory: Mike Huckabee's Public Schedule for the week of October 29, 2007
The O'Reilly Factor, Charlie Rose, Good Morning America, Hannity and Colmes and much more...
October 29, 2007
Little Rock, AR – The following is a listing of schedule highlights for former AR Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee for the week of October 29, 2007.
NOTE: For media planning purposes only. Subject to change.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
7:10 a.m. ET – Guest on ABC's "Good Morning America" with political correspondent George Stephanopoulos to discuss growing momentum for Governor Huckabee's presidential campaign.
1:30 p.m. ET – Washington D.C. – Speaks at the National Republican Congressional Committee Event, The Mayflower Hotel, 1127 Connecticut Ave., NW. (This event is closed press). Contact: Kirsten Fedewa,202-365-6936
3:30 p.m. ET – Guest on MSNBC's "All Politics Day" with host Nora O'Donnell.
4:10 p.m. ET – Guest on CNN's "Situation Room" with host Wolf Blitzer.
5:00 p.m. ET – 6:00 p.m. ET – Washington D.C. – Guest on C-SPAN / XM POTUS "'08 Town Hall Meeting" with students from Thomas Jefferson Science and Technology High School . Listen live on XM Radio's POTUS '08 Channel as well as C-SPAN Radio. It will run on C-SPAN TV at 6:30 p.m. ET and 9:30 p.m. ET on Sunday, Nov. 4.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
7:40 a.m. ET – New York, NY – Guest on Fox Business Channel with host Alexis Glick to discuss presidential politics.
5:00 p.m. ET – New York, NY –Guest on Fox News' "Your World with Neal Cavuto" to discuss presidential politics.
7:30 p.m. ET – New York, NY – Guest on Fox Business Channel " America 's Nightly Scorecard" with host David Asman.
8:00 p.m. ET – New York, NY – Guest on Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" with host Bill O'Reilly to discuss presidential politics and the growing momentum for Governor Huckabee's presidential campaign.
9:00 p.m. ET – New York, NY – Guest on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" with his wife, Janet Huckabee as part of a series on the presidential candidates and their wives.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
6:30 a.m. ET – New York, NY – Guest on Fox News "Fox & Friends" with hosts Steve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson and Brian Kilmeade to discuss presidential politics.
10:30 a.m. ET – Guest on Accent Radio's "The Right Balance" with host Greg Allen to discuss presidential politics and the growing momentum in the Huckabee campaign. The show can be heard online at www.accentradio.com and www.therightbalance.org.
11:00 p.m. ET – Guest on PBS's "Charlie Rose" to discuss presidential politics. Check your local listing for show time or online at www.charlierose.com
Friday, November 2, 2007
1:00 p.m. ET – Columbia, SC – Speaks at the South Carolina Renewal Project Pastors' Policy Briefing, Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center , Ballroom.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
5:00 p.m. CT – DeSoto, TX – Attends fundraising reception at the private residence of Buddy and Vicki Pilgrim. Governor Huckabee will host a media availability at 5:00 p.m. CT at the home.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
10:00 a.m. CT – Irving,TX – Speaks at New Beginnings Church , 3000 West Airport Freeway.
11:15 a.m. CT – Plano, TX – Speaks at Prestonwood Baptist Church , 6801 W. Park Blvd.
6:30 p.m. ET – Washington D.C. – Guest on C-SPAN / XM POTUS "Town Hall Meeting" in the first of a series of town hall meetings with the presidential candidates. The program will re-broadcast at 9:30 p.m. ET.
Travel Is The Perfect Holiday Gift!
Can you believe it is October 29th? I sure can't And the scariest thing around right now isn't Halloween, it is the fact that the Holidays are fast approaching (Bwah Ha Ha!)! That means you'll be soon making a list and checking it twice. Based on prior experience this can get quite stressful.
Well I am going to make it much easier for you. I have a sure-fire way to make your holidays merry and bright for both you and everyone on your list. Travel makes the perfect gift for Christmas. I know I'd sure love to receive the gift of travel stuffed in my stocking this Christmas! I know I am not alone and that almost everyone you know would love to receive the same.
So now that you know what to give that special someone who to choose? Why take a chance on the Gnome and all over Online travel sites that will treat you as a number. Why not use a live person who will treat you with courtesy and a smile. May I suggests Craig's Travel Agency, run by my good friend Tim Richmond. He's one of the nicest guys out there and he'll work very hard to get you a great deal wherever you want to go. Just give him a call at 1-800 339-9099. Whether you are looking to plan a family vacation or want to give that relative a gift certificate so he can plan his own travel Craig's Travel is the perfect ticket to a perfect gift! And if Disney is your cup of tea, Craig's Travel is a graduate of the college of Disney Vacation Knowledge. So whether you want to go to Disneyland, Walt Disney World, Tokyo Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland, or even take a Disney Cruise-Craig's Travel will get ya there!
Craig's Travel is my travel agency of choice and I would not dare to use anyone else. I hope that you will make the same decision. Tim is a good friend of mine but I am not receiving any compensation for referring you. I just want to help my fellow readers out there with their gift giving needs. Please do do tell him BDBopper sent ya. You won't get anything special but Tim might just give put an extra smile into your day!
In the latest Rasmussen Daily GOP Tracking Poll, Mike Huckabee has now risen to 13% and is now tied for 3rd with John McCain! Also new over there today is that Mike Huckabee has been added to their charts and you can see Mike's constant rise compared to everyone else in the top tier since the beginning of October.
CURRENT FUNDRAISING TOTAL - $876,495.80 and counting
Fundraising Update
Good morning everyone.
I apologize for not posting much over the weekend. I was and I still am working on some other projects and they are taking up a lot of my time that I'd be spending posting here.
Here's where we stand on Monday morning. Last week we did fantastic fundraising wise. However the pace slowed over the weekend and is still lagging a bit. The goal is $1.34 million by Midnight October 31st. Right now we stand at $873,114.32. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE REACH OUR GOAL!!! It is apparent to me that in total fundraising we have reached it already and it could be spun that way if it has to be but let's make sure they don't even have to make a decision in that regard. I am maxed our financially (not legally I can't afford anymore) PLEASE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION NOW!!!! Thank you!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Happy Sunday everyone!
The Disney nut that I am I could not help but share this gem I found on Youtube. I am sharing now before it disappears. this is one of my favorite cartoons of all time. Note the voice of June Foray, as Witch Hazel, in the only Disney appearance of her work that i know of. Here's the classic Donald Duck short, TRICK OF TREAT (1952 I think)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Saturday Morning Catch-Up
Good morning!
It's time to play Catch-up on a Saturday morning. Most of yesterday I was busy with some other projects and taking care of my dad whose back is in a lot of pain right now. So get some coffee and let's get going.
On Thursday night Mike Huckabee and john McCain participated in a town hall meeting hosted by AARP. It was to be a debate but all the other GOP candidates chickened out. You can read the blog post about the event which includes links to coverage about the event. Could we be looking at a Huckabee/McCain ticket? Sure sounds good to me.
There are some great campaign videos being put out on YouTube lately. Here are just a few to watch: It's About Time & Some Things Are Not Negotiable
Well it is inevitable. Mike Huckabee is really rising fast so the attacks are escalating against him. The Huckabee camp is not taking it sitting down. They are fighting back!
Are you looking for something to watch before football tomorrow? Look no further. Mike Huckabee will be a guest on CNN's Late Edition tomorrow at Noon.
Well that's all the time I have for now. Oh, the current online fundraising total is $822,037.62! We're doing great!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Remember yesterday? That was the first day Mike Huckabee stood at double-digits in the Rasmussen GOP Daily Tracking Poll. Well the news is eve better today. Mike's at 12 % now and Mitt "Mr. Moneybags" Romney is now looking up at Huckabee in the poll in 5th place! TAKE A LOOK FOR YOURSELF!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Mike Huckabee Offers Words of Comfort & Support To California Fire Victims
The following is a statement from Mike Huckabee:
News Release: Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee Offers Words of Comfort to Victims of the California Wildfires
October 25, 2007
Little Rock, AR – Presidential Candidate and Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has issued the following statement in response to the deadly wildfires in California:
"I offer my thoughts and prayers to the people affected by the fires in California and to the firefighters and volunteers who are risking their lives to fight the blaze. The images of flames devouring homes and wreaking havoc on people's lives are just heart-breaking. I join President Bush and Gov. Schwarzenegger in reminding those who have been displaced that they are not alone and the people of this great country will do what we can to help them rebuild. This is an instance when government, both state and federal, should play a major role to assist the residents of the Golden State."
I have family and many friends in Southern California. My thoughts and prayers are with them as well during this difficult time. God bless them all.
I thought this might happen by tomorrow but mark this as the first day that Mike Huckabee has scored in double digitsin the Rasmussen Daily GOP Tracking Poll! See the details HERE Dick Morris and Bill O'reilly had a bet that if Mike broke 10% that Bill would woe Dick dinner...well it's happened! I hope Dick gets a nice steak dinner and a big glass of wine!!
CURRENT ONLINE FUNDRAISING TOTAL - $717,547.45 I expect a widget to come out soon I don't have to keep track by hand anymore.
NEW GOAL - $1,034,487 by October 31st!!
First of all take note of the new total: $716,878,05 It has jumped about 300 K since the last post. They added everything raised online from October 1 -15 to the counter. The new goal of $1,034,487 by October 31st is one dollar more than what we raised in total donations during the 3rd Quarter. Also note that this goal is online fundraising only. When meeting this goal we will be blasting the 3rd quarter numbers to bits in just online donations. The donations via mail and on the phone will obliterate that total!
Three Evangelical Bloggers Jointly Endorse Mike
this morning three Evangelical bloggers jointly endorsed Mike Hukcabee. The following is what the wrote. This is so good it has to be quoted instead of giving you a link
Our Conservative Choice
And Endorsement of Mike Huckabee
Note: This post is co-authored with Matthew Anderson and Justin Taylor.]
When it comes to politics, we three are pragmatic idealists. We are dedicated to the pursuit of noble principles and goals while never forgetting that politics is the "art of the possible." Because we are idealists we are choosing to endorse a candidate who most aligns with our principles and values and is most worthy of our sacred trust. Because we are pragmatists we are choosing to endorse the one candidate who we believe is most capable of defeating Sen. Hillary Clinton.
Because we are pragmatic idealists we are endorsing Gov. Mike Huckabee.
For several months we have admired the scrappy campaign of Gov. Huckabee but believed it would be a wasted effort to support him with our time, energy, and finances. We bought into the notion that he could never get the GOP nomination since conservative voters would not support him. And the reason we were told conservative voters would never support him is because he could not get the nomination. To paraphrase a quote by John Piper, "It’s like the army being defeated because there aren’t enough troops, and the troops won’t sign up because the army’s being defeated."
We can no longer sit idly by and allow the campaign of a worthy candidate and an honorable man to flounder for lack of support.
Only after prayerfully considering the issues, the candidates, and the electoral calculus have we decided to settle on this joint endorsement. We hope that you will join us in careful deliberation of Gov. Huckabee's candidacy and that you will join us in pledging to cast a sacred vote for the office of President of the United States. Our army may go down in defeat, but it won't be because we refused to enlist in this worthy cause.
- Matthew Anderson (Mere Orthodoxy)
- Joe Carter (Evangelical Outpost)
- Justin Taylor (Between Two Worlds)
Addendum: We hope to persuade other conservatives that Gov. Huckabee is capable of not only appealing to the three legs of the conservative coalition—social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, and defense conservatives—but to a broader confederation of Republicans and independents. The following is our reasons and rationale:
Social conservatives. Gov. Huckabee is by far the most socially conservative candidate running for President. He supports passage of constitutional amendments to protect the right to life and the definition of marriage; he opposes embryo-destructive research and promises to veto any pro-abortion legislation; he supports policies that ensure children receive "a quality education, first-rate health care, decent housing in a safe neighborhood, and clean air and drinking water"; he proposes a nine point Veteran’s Bill of Rights; and he emphasizes that there is a religious and moral imperative to conserve resources and protect God’s creation.
Defense conservatives. Gov. Huckabee vows to remain vigilant in the "world war" against Islamic extremism and says that "this threat is one that we cannot negotiate, accommodate, or placate—it is one which we must eradicate"; he supports the Powell Doctrine of using overwhelming force to accomplish a mission; he believes that "Iraq is a battle in our generational, ideological war on terror" and is committed to defeating Al Qaeda there in order to bring stability to the country; he supports a regional summit so that Iraq’s neighbors become financially and militarily committed to stabilizing Iraq now rather than financially and militarily committed to widening the war later; he is a strong supporter of Israel, "the only fully-functioning democracy in the Middle East, and our greatest friend in that region"; he believes that securing the border is a national security measure and must be done immediately.
Fiscal conservatives. Gov. Huckabee is a candidate that should appeal to fiscal conservatives. He has signed the Presidential Taxpayer Protection Pledge which binds the signer to "oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses … and oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates"; he supports the FairTax, which would abolish the IRS and replace the Internal Revenue Code with a consumption tax; he believes in free trade (that is, fair trade) and claims that "globalization, done right, done fairly, can be the equivalent of a big pay raise by allowing us to buy things more cheaply."
Some of us were initially duped by the white paper on Huckabee that was released by the Club for Growth. Even thought the CFG is slightly outside of the mainstream on conservative fiscal policies (CFG is to fiscal conservatism what the Christian Coalition is to social conservatism), we respect the organization and appreciate their valuable work. Nevertheless, we were dismayed by their report that was at times misleading, if not outright dishonest.
We acknowledge that the Club for Growth believes that state sales taxes should never be increased to pay for such entitlements as education, Medicare, highways, and economic development. We understand that this is the reason that they oppose Gov. Huckabee’s record. But we believe that most Americans—and most conservatives—are not minarchists. We do not think the fiscal conservative bona fides of a man who cut taxes and fees almost 100 times, saving the taxpayers almost $380 million, and left a surplus of nearly $850 million should be denigrated because he took such actions as implementing a 1/8-cent sales tax hike. Although we respect the CFC, we are dismayed at the disingenuous means that the group has used to smear the Governor’s character. (We plan to issue a point-by-point response to the white paper in a future post.)
Of course, Gov. Huckabee is not a perfect candidate. No candidate ever is or ever will be. But we believe that he possesses qualities that should be appealing and encouraging to all branches of conservatives.
Just as importantly, Gov. Huckabee has the ability to appeal to non-conservative voters. He’s charming and charismatic, a gifted speaker with a quick wit and disarming sense of humor. He is the anti-Hillary.
In many ways, Gov. Huckabee is also an antithesis of President Bush. He has a real chance of being the successor, at least in one aspect, to the Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan. Conservatism—and the country—have been deeply hindered by President Bush’s inability to communicate the conservative vision. "Huckabee is something that the party needs," noted David Brooks of the New York Times. "He is a solid conservative who is both temperamentally and substantively different from the conservatives who have led the country over the past few years."
As Jonathan Alter, senior editor of Newsweek, recently wrote:
The GOP is in a deep hole and keeps digging. Even after Mike Huckabee won big among attendees at last week’s "Values Voters Convention," many evangelicals have been telling the former Arkansas governor—and onetime Baptist minister—that they like him but won’t back him because he can’t beat Hillary Clinton. They have it exactly backward. He may be the only Republican candidate with a decent chance to beat the Democrats next November.
Some of the reasons include the weakness of the other candidates, especially Rudy Giuliani: "[The Mayor's] positions on Iraq, S-CHIP and the need for anti-abortion Supreme Court justices are all deeply unpopular in Blue States and would be hung around his neck next fall." He is also unacceptable to social conservatives and other religious voters. Mitt Romney is considered too slick, too corporate, too calculating, and too Mormon. And Fred Thompson, as Alter notes, "is not ready for prime time."
Huckabee also has an engrossing personal story. Alter continues:
Voters in general elections are less ideological than in primaries and more intrigued by a compelling personal narrative. Huckabee’s story hits closer to home than any other. After chest pains and a diagnosis of diabetes, he lost more than 100 pounds with diet and exercise. He tells the story with wit and grace (as well as the one about his wife’s cancer diagnosis many years ago) and would kill on Oprah. When Huckabee talks about broader health-care issues he does more than brag about Arkansas’s success under his leadership. He speaks in a folksy and comprehensible way that would match up well against Hillary’s facts and figures or Obama’s abstractions. The same holds true on education; his support for large-scale federal support of art and music programs to improve creativity (and thus competitiveness in the global economy) would resonate with millions of voters.Even on faith and politics, Mike is easy to like. From afar he seemed extreme because he raised his hand in a debate when the candidates were asked en masse if they believed in evolution. But when Bill Maher pressed him to justify that view on his HBO show, Huckabee responded with a nuanced and presentable discussion of the origins of the universe that seemed to pacify even the atheist host. (I found this as well when we discussed the subject some months ago.) He has surely said some wacky right-wing things that could be used against him, but no more than any of the others in the Republican field.
For these reasons and more, we have become persuaded that Mike Huckabee can indeed win the general election for President of the United States. Again, quoting Jonathan Alter of Newsweek: "He may be the only Republican candidate with a decent chance to beat the Democrats next November."
But he cannot win the general election if he does not first win the Republican nomination. Up until now, there have been few who have believed this is possible. But this is starting to change. David Brooks recently wrote, "It’s quickly clear that Huckabee is as good a campaigner as anybody running for president this year. And before too long it becomes easy to come up with reasons why he might have a realistic shot at winning the Republican nomination."
Gov. Huckabee cannot win the nomination without our votes and without our support. Now is the time to act. If you care about the three legs of the conservative stool—social conservatism, fiscal responsibility, and strong defense—and if you do not want four (or eight!) years of Hillary, then we should join us in supporting Mike Huckabee for President.
This Cartoon Says It All!
Check out this awesome political cartoon from the Des Moines Register the other day. It prety much sums everything up in Iowa and everywhere else!
CURRENT TOTAL - $475,500.68
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
VIDEO - The Arkansas Stallion
YAY POST 200!!! :)
(clears throat) Here's an awesome video someone posted on Youtube. Mix Rocky and Mike Huckabee and you get "The Arkansas Stallion"
And as I predicted earlier, we hit $450,000! In fact we currently stand at $454,735.29 and counting! this is the beginning of the last week of the month! Let's get that counter to One Million Dollars gang! I know we can do it! March on Huckabee Soldiers! :)
Good afternoon!
I want you to do something for me this afternoon. Please go HERE and sign the Huckabee petition! Let the whole world know you WILL vote for Mike Huckabee for President!
A MUST SEE VIDEO -Mike Huckabee : Hope For America
This is a fantastic video. Get some popcorn and enjoy!
Good morning all!
Watching the counter rise on the website is becoming quite addictive. We just passed the $425,000 mark. The goal is $450,000 so we are going to pass this today. That is absolutely fantastic. We are a week before the end of the month and we are doing a fantastic job i the fundraising department. However it is time to step it up! Imagine the headlines on November 1st is we were able to raise $1 Million or more (heck even $1.4 Million). We could be able to claim that we were able to surpass our entire total for the 3rd Quarter in about 15 days in online donations alone!
New Georgia For Huckabee Website Launches!
Are you a Mike Huckabee supporter in Georgia like I am? Then head over to the brand spankin' new Georgia For Huckabee website. While there you can get involved by joining or starting a local meetup group, signing up to be a local volunteer, singing up to be a Huckabee Multiplier, and demanding Mike. The site is chock full of useful information and any events that will be held in Georgia will be posted there, as well as news that is pertinent to the campaign. Go check it out! Way to go Martin...you've outdone yourself! I could not be prouder to be a Georgia Huckabee supporter as we have taken a lead in getting an independent camopaign site available for supporters to rally around.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
When You Wish Upon A Star
Please note that the following video is meaningless, other than having the classic song in it.
There are indications that mike Huckabee will be "Wishing Upon A Star" very soon. Who? Well stay tuned and find out when it is official! :)
The Battle Is On!
That's right folks! The battle is on. The lines have been drawn. In one corner you have the majority of the Evangelical Christian leaders. In the other you have their large congregation. Based on the results of all the straw polls and summits of the "Values Voters" Mike Huckabee is the favorite of the congregation. However the majority of thepeople at the pulpit who "lead" the congregation are not shared in the enthusiasm of the people in the pews. I am no Values-Voter. I am a non-denominational Christian and more of a Fiscal Conservative. Mike Huckabee has been asked several times on his concern about the evangelical leaders not running to him. Mike is not concerned. If he had a choice he'll take the large throng in the pews, than the few people leading them. "Each of them has one vote" Mike says.
I am just a pion. If you want the take from an expert go read this article in Time Magazine.
Huckabee Server Upgrade & A New Forum
Good morning Huckamaniacs!
First of all please note that the problems with the server crashes over at the Mike Huckabee site, due to all-time-high traffic is being fixed. they are upgrading their server.
Also please go check out a new forum for Mike Huckabee supporters, Huck's Army. You won't be disappointed!
Oh and before I go please go check out Michigan Redneck. She's got some really awesome items she has handcrafted herself on ebay. I won the bidding on her I Heart Huckabee pillow last night but I was not outbid at all. Come on people! The money goes straight to Mike!
CURRENT ONLINE FUNDRAISING TOTAL (Since October 15th) - $340,013.40
Monday, October 22, 2007
Speaking of the bloggers Call
Some other points that were made tonight:
1. Mike really appreciates us a whole lot. In fact he said that when he is sitting at a desk in the Oval Office one day and is asked "Well How did you do it?" Mike would definitely say that it was his bloggers that helped him out a whole bunch.
2. This has been a huge week. Fundraising goals are being blown out of the water. Online alone $112,000 and counting have been raised just today! There are twelve phones in the Little Rock office and all of them are literally ringing off the hooks! Additional phones are going to need to be brought in, as well as, increased server capacity for the website that keeps crashing under the weight of increased web traffic every few hours! It is now clear that the counter on the website is for Internet donations only. There is much more being raised over the phones. At this rate the 4th Quarter is going to be absolutely huge. In fact there is a group of 100 people efforting to raise $100,000 each for the campaign by December (that would be 10 million dollars if anyone is counting)!
3. Also discussed tonight was the GOP possibly punishing states that have moved up their primaries. Mike said he would work with what is put in front of him. He will not let anything stop him. Mike stressed the importance of Iowa and New Hampshire to the process as well. He did not say it but I think Mike is irritated that the RNC would even think of such a move. There is much more to gain from letting this one go while the Democrats disenfranchise states' voters.
That was basically it tonight. Mike had to get ready for a fundraiser in California this evening. As always it was very informative and entertaining. I've been on the line for each one since August except for one. Does anyone know the trick to actually getting to ask a question. I press the right key almost immediately after the prompt and I never get in. Oh well. As usual I was on the line while riding my exercise bike (my usual routine for debates or TV appearances that Mike appears in).
HI-YAH!! Chuck Norris Endorses Mike Huckabee!
The big news today on the Campaign trail is the endorsement of Mike Huckabee by famous Hollywood star and action hero, Chuck Norris. During tonight's blogger's conference Mike expounded upon this endorsement (Thanks Kevin Tracy for reminding him to do so). Mike is a fan of Chuck but doesn't know him personally. In fact, Mike's wife is much more of a fan than he is and is absolutely ecstatic. Since Mike and Chuck do not know each other personally this endorsement was not expected. Mike is definitely thrilled and hopes that Chuck will join him on some of his campaign stops in the near future. And to dispel any rumors, Chuck is not looking for a security position in the Huckabee administration, but Mike is not ruling that out and would consider it.
Happy Birthday Annette Funicello!
I would like to take a pause from the politics for a moment. Today is the Birthday of the world's most favorite Mouseketeer, and a personal hero of mine, Annette Funicello. Why is she a hero to me? For the past 15 or so years she has fought a courageous battle with Muscular Sclerosis. No matter what she is still there with her big smile that shines through. If you have not read her biography "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes" I absolutely recommend it. The book is a must-read!
UPDATE - Fundraising Goal Raised to $450,000 by Halloween
Expect a new press release soon (or at least an E-mail). Based on the front page and the contribution counter, the bar has been raised by the Huckabee camp to $450,000 by Halloween. In other words, another $200,000 from the present total (give or take a few Grand).
Current total is $255,000! If we keep up the pace the new goal may be blown to smithereens by Wednesday at least
Huck's Fundraising Problem Is Officially Over
We hit $250,000 at Noon today. That's $50,000 raised in 12 hours! OUTSTANDING! We are on pace for a $100,000 day! Every time I refresh the counter the total rises at least by a Grand. The current total is over $252,000
Recent Press Releases By the Huckabee Campaign
Over the past few days there have been several press releases issued by the Mike Huckabee campaign. Here are the important ones:
Mike Huckabee comments on Sam Brownback's decision to withdraw his candidacy
Mike Huckabee names Texas state Rep King State Campaign Co-Chair
Mike Huckabee dominates Values Voters Summit
Mike Huckabee "Clear Winner" of Republican Presidential Debate
Mike Huckabee's Interview With Glenn Beck
On Friday night Glenn Beck presented an hour-long interview with Governor Mike Huckabee. From what I have heard an read this interview really impressed a lot of people and you should have seen the donations shoot up like a skyrocket each time it aired on CNN Headline News (at 7 PM, 9 PM, & Midnight). Now here is the entire interview in 5 parts. I did not post this on Youtube...someone else did. I am just sharing these vids with you. This should be required viewing for anyone who is an undecided voter at this point.
There ya go. Just watch from top to bottom because the clips are in order. Enjoy!
WE DID IT - $200,000 WEEK!!
Good Morning everyone!
Last week the Mike Huckabee campaign challenged us to raise $200,000 before Halloween. WE just blasted through that goal last night! It took only 5 days! Even though the goal has been reached the donations keep rolling in. We are now over $240,000 in donations and should pass $250,000 before this evening (we might even make it to that point by the time I eat lunch). Way to go everyone!!
Stay tuned...lots of content today! I've got to make up for the thirty six hours I was not around.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Please excuse my silence
I am very sorry for not being active in the past thirty-six hours. and I don't have the energy to write very much right now. It's been an emotional and physical roller coaster with the FRC success, the debate success, the Watch Mike Party, and the fact that I did not get much sleep last night (due to not getting in until 6 AM this morning from Karaoke due to an accident on the Interstate...don't worry the car I was riding in was not involved...it just shut the Interstate down and made for a huge mess). There is lots of good news to share but honestly I don't have the energy to do it. I will try to catch up tomorrow. Thanks for understanding!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Here Are All the Stats I Have!
Here are all the stats I have:
Mitt Romney 1595 27.62%
Mike Huckabee 1565 27.15%
Ron Paul 865 14.98%
Fred Thompson 564 9.77%
Undecided 329 5.70%
Sam Brownback 297 5.14%
Duncan Hunter 140 2.42%
Tom Tancredo 133 2.30%
Rudy Giuliani 107 1.85%
John McCain 81 1.40%
Not Voting 67 1.16%
Barack Obama 9 0.16%
Joe Biden 5 0.09%
Hillary Clinton 5 0.09%
John Edwards 4 0.07%
Dennis Kucinich 4 0.07%
Christopher Dodd 2 0.03%
Bill Richardson 2 0.03%
Mike Gravel 1 0.02%
Total 5,775 100%
Onsite Straw Poll Results
Mike Huckabee 488 51.26%
Mitt Romney 99 10.40%
Fred Thompson 77 8.09%
Tom Tancredo 65 6.83%%
Rudy Giuliani 60 6.30%
Duncan Hunter 54 5.67%
John McCain 30 3.15%
Sam Brownback 26 2.73%
Ron Paul 25 2.63%
Undecided 11 1.16%
Not Voting 7 0.74%
Barack Obama 5 0.53%
Christopher Dodd 2 0.21%
Dennis Kucinich 2 0.11%
Joe Biden 1 0.11%
Hillary Clinton 0 0.00%
John Edwards 0 0.00%
Mike Gravel 0 0.00%
Bill Richardson 0 0.00%
Total 952 100%
I don't have much time to eleaborate but the results from the Onsite Poll are very telling. I am hearing there was shock and anger when the actual results were announced and that the crowd at large was not bery happy with Mitt winning.
I am off to judge a Karaoke contest tonight and I won't be back here probably until I get home from the Debate watching party. I may have my other editor finally post some of my thoughts later. We'll see. When I get home Expect some post debate and Post briefing analysis, video from the Glenn Beck interview and a huge Blog Roundup that might take a whole day to post on Monday!
OK The Results Are In And It Is Really Close
Well here's the results of the Straw poll....
Romney: 1595
Huckabee: 1565
Paul: 865
Thompson: 564
Biggest loser here is Fred though. He was way behind here. I expected him to get more votes. Also surprising is that Ron Paul supporters' impact was not as much as I expected too. Again it is a Romney, Huckabee finish. Mitt played lowball. He paid for votes and he got out the Internet vote. That was the difference. We ghave it our best shot folks.
So now what will the Evangelicals say? I have no idea if this is a crushing blow or not. We shall see in time I am sure.
We did all we could do. We should be proud of OUR EFFORTS and proud of Mike.
I got chills reading this account of MIke's Speech
I have not a whole lot about Mike Huckabee over at REDSTATE.org but this is the longest bit ever on Mike as they have been liveblogging the Washington Briefing. Go read it for yoruself. It was not on TV anywhere but I got chills just reading it and I stood up and cheered when it was over! HERE'S THE ARTICLE
There's an hour left until the straw poll closes. If this didn't get them flicking over there to choose Mike nothing else would have! WAY TO GO MIKE!!!
This is a Most Important Day!
Good Morning!
In what has been a most fantastic week for the campaign yet we have reached the climax day. Mike Huckabee will speak to the Washington Briefing this morning at 11 AM, in thirty-five minutes. Then we wait and we pray. Based on what I have been reading this speech is crucial as there are many undecideds in attenedence and most of them have decided to hold off voting until they hear Mike Huckabee speak. After that there is an hour left before the poll closes. Mike almost gets the final words in (I think Rudy is after him but discounted by the majority in attendence before even hearing him speak right, wrong, or indifferent).
How will the poll turn out? I have no idea. I do know who are the most likely candidates to win it - Romney,who I have read paid for much of his suppport AGAIN this weekend, Ron Paul, whose supporters are stuffing the ballot box, Fred Thompson, who gave a good speech based on many accounts, and Mike Huckabee. A strong 2nd might be good enough but a win would be an absolutely fantastic end to an incredible week. We've done our part. Let's all pray!
BTW - AMOUNT RAISED SO FAR - $128,702.36
Friday, October 19, 2007
We haven't even reached the end of the third day of the $200,000 by Halloween fundraising challenge for the Huckabee campaign and guess what?
Way to go everyone! At this pace we will blow that challenge to bits by Monday!
BTW: The current total now is (refreshes the counter) $103,866.16 (the number went up 3 and a half grand in a matter of moments)!!
This afternoon a poll was released from Texas in the GOP Race. Here are the results:
- Giuliani - 24%
- Thompson - 19%
- Huckabee - 14%
- Romney - 14%
- Tancredo - 7%
- McCain - 6%
- Paul - 6%
- Hunter - 4%
- Keyes - 0%
- Undecided 6%
ver the past few weeks there has been a push to collect votes for the Family Research Council Values Straw Poll. The poll closes at 1 PM tomorrow. Mitt Romney has sent an E-mail to his supporters to vote for him and the Ron Paul people are on the ball too. We need to be on the ball as well!
If you have not yet voted please do so. All you have to do is become a member of the Family Research Council (for a minimum $1...a buck for Huck) and vote for Mike Huckabee. If you have already voted please tell everyone you know to do the same. Just follow this link
WINNING THIS STRAW POLL IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! The Endorsements of the Evangelicals, a very important group, lay in the balance! DON'T DELAY VOTE TODAY!!
Mike Huckabee To Play The Surf Ballroom
The following is a press release from Mike Huckabee:
would like to invite you to come see my band, Capitol Offense, and me perform at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa on October 26. I am particularly excited about this concert because not only do we get to play at the historic Surf Ballroom, but former lead guitarist from the rock band Boston, Barry Goudreau, will be joining us on stage.
If you aren't familiar with the Surf Ballroom, it's the last place Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper played in 1959 before their plane crashed a few miles away.
While we aren't as good as those three legends-with the exception of Barry Goudreau of course, we are good enough to play there (or at least we hope!).
Our goal is to fill the Ballroom with a few hundred of my closest friends, so I hope you'll join us!
The show is from 7-10 p.m. My family, members of the band and I will be mixing with the crowd throughout the night, and we look forward to seeing you.
Here are some addtional details for the event:
1) General Admission - $10 per person or $25 per family
2) Platinum Sponsor - $2300
- 10 event tickets
- 4 backstage passes - gets you in Pre-Concert reception and
picture w/ Gov. and Band
- 1 signed Guitar
- 2 t-shirts
- 2 tour jackets
- 1 concert poster
3) Gold Sponsor - $1000
-10 event tickets
- 2 backstage passes - gets you in Pre-Concert reception and
picture w/ Gov. and Band
- Signed drum sticks
- 1 tour jacket
- 2 t-shirts
- 1 concert poster
I am really looking forward to the event and hope you, your family and friends will be there. If you are interested in attending this event and are ready to buy a ticket, visit our website to purchase your ticket today.
When you complete the contribution form you must enter the following code in the box labeled "Donor Code:" HE41.
Someone from our campaign will followup with you by email to determine how many tickets you need.
I encourage you to buy your tickets today while space is available! You can do so by clicking here. Remember to enter HE41 into the Donor Code field on the contribution page.
CURRENT FUNDRAISING TOTAL - $91,552.04 (in less than 3 days!) and counting!!
A Quick RoundUp For Friday Morning
Good morning everyone.
I've got places to go and errands to run but I wanted to point you towards a few notables this morning.
First of all, here's a fantastic article written for World Net Daily about Mike.
Mike Huckabee makes the Op-Ed page of the New York Times!
Mike officially filed his candidacy papers in New Hampshire today and picked up yet another NH endorsement at the same time!
At this point this week can only be labeled fantastic for the campaign and it has the potential to be even bigger and better. Stay tuned!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
GOP, It's Time To Wake Up!
I want everyone to take a moment to read this from The Daily Kos. There is only one GOP Candidate they fear over there. He's the only candidate that can win the election next year, and that is Mike Huckabee. Now that Brownback is out of the picture they are even more afraid It's time to wake up GOP people! MIKE IS OUR MAN
Another Personal High For Huck In Rasmussen Daily Poll!
Every couple of days the story seems to be the same. Mike Huckabee has hit a new Personal High in the Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll! This time Mime is at 9%! Dick Morris is this close to a meal from Bill O'Reily (Bill owes him a meal if Mike Huckabee cracks double digits in a National Poll)!
From this point forward each new post here will include the latest amount of money raised. The current total is $55,454.01 and counting (the number rose twice since I started typing)
To Quote Jimmy Jones..."Good timin"
I must quote the title from a 1959 pop hit by Jimmy Jones, "Good Timin" because that is exactly what has happened for the Huckabee campaign. Remember that onTuesday night the challenge was set to raise $200,000 dollars by the time the kiddies come home from Trick or Treating on Halloween night. Twelve hours from that point Dick Morris praised Mike and excellent poll numbers came in from Iowa. Well now money is raining down from the heavens like confetti. We are now thirty-six hours removed from the E-mail sent out from the Campaign and we are now more than 25% of the way to making that goal! That's right we are now standing at over $52,000 raised in thirty-six hours! If things go well with the Washington Briefing/FRC Straw Poll and the debate in Florida on Sunday night we might beat the goal by this time next week (or sooner)! Absolutely amazing!
Endorsements in NH and NC!
In the last two days Mike Huckabee has received a few endorsements: Yesterday he recevied the support of former North Carolina Congressman, Bill Cobey. Bill has been named the North Carolina Mike Huckabee Campaign Chariman.
Also Mike has received another key endorsement in New Hampshire, State Rep Julie Brown in Strafford County. There's a full list of NH endorsements at the webpage of the New Hampshire Campaing Headquarters. Also an Iowa HQ is also live for support in that state.
BREAKING - Brownback Dropping Out Tomorrow?
WSB Radio in Atlanta is reporting that Sam Brownback may be dropping out of the race tomorrow. They are citiing people close to Sam's campaign. Very interesting. More news as it develops.
EDIT - Confirmation of this possibility from the Associated Press
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Update on Fundraising Goal
Yesterday the Mike Huckabee campaign challenged us to raise $200,000 by Midnight on Halloween Night. We are off to a great start! In less than 24 hours we have raised $36,706.72! Wow! You can see the current total and help chip in HERE. Excellent job everyone! Let's keep up the great work!
EDIT - it is now 3:30 PM Eastern. In the thirty minutes since I made this post we've raised almost $3,000! ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!
Someone call my doctor...I am about to do cartwheels and break something in the process! Mike Huckabee's numbers are now up to 18% according to Rasmussen's latest poll for the Iowa Caucus! Want proot....HERE IT IS!!
Mike Huckabee To Appear For One Hour on Glenn Beck on Friday Night!
Plaudits to OneMom for passing this one on - Mike Huckabee Will be making a One-Hour appearance on Friday Night's Glenn Beck TV show on CNN Headline News! Mike recently taped the hour with Glenn and it is ready to air on Friday night! DON'T MISS IT!!
A Letter To The Editor I sent to the Atlanta-Journal & Constitution
The following is a letter to the editor I just sent to the Atlanta Journal & Constitution! Boy it's hard to sum things up in just the 150 word limit people have when writing to this particular paper:
To The Editor:
It's time to wake up! If you don't know it already we're a nation that's politically polarized and we've been that way since the Clinton scandal. Nothing in Washington is done for the good of our nation and "We the People." How can we expect to win the War on Terror if we are divided here at home? We need to get behind Mike Huckabee, the only Presidential candidate that will unite us as a nation again. Mike has bipartisan appeal. As Governor of Arkansas he carried forty-five percent of the African-American vote. Governor Huckabee has received praise from evangelical, Janet Folger and conservative pundit Dick Morris, but also The Daily Kos (for his stance on the environment) and the endorsement of the International Machinist Union. The choice is clear: If you want a "United States" again support and vote for Mike Huckabee!
Dick Morris: "Huckabee is Right Wing's Last Survivor"
Go check out this article over at Real Clear Politics, written by political pundit, Dick Morris on Mike Huckabee. IT'S A MUST READ!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
It's Time To Step It Up!!
Okay everyone. I want you to take a moment to notice the two Amazon banners on the right side of the page. Mike has called on us. We need to deliver. From this point forward and until further notice every commission I earn from those banners will go to the Huckabee Campaign, every red cent! The Holidays are coming up. You can find almost anything you want on Amazon.com (and even if you can't gift certificates are always a great bet for everyone on your list). And every time you purchase something using those banners the money I get will go to the Huckabee campaign to help him get elected as our next President! Please help me, help Mike! Thank you!
A New Challenge - $200,000 by Halloween!
The following was sent out tonight by Mike Huckabee.
A new Rasmussen poll now shows our campaign rising to 8% nationally. More evidence of a surge in support.
For weeks we have seen a surge in website traffic and now we are seeing rising poll numbers nationally and also in key states.
What is so encouraging about our 8%, is that in spite of having only spent $1.6 million since February we are only 1% point behind Senator John McCain and 5% points behind Governor Mitt Romney (Governor Romney has spent a staggering $52.8 million! so far).
Well today, I am emailing you to say that with your support we can do better than Governor Romney's 13%. In fact, we can win Iowa and take the momentum we would gain from a win in Iowa and go on to surprise folks in New Hampshire and South Carolina.
The key to growing our 8% into 13%, and then building our campaign into a winning margin of votes in the early states is your making the decision to financially support our campaign.
That is why I am asking you to make an immediate online contribution today. It is clear to me that if you stand with us we will succeed. We will be able to invest in advertising and voter outreach to boost our level of support nationally.
We have targeted raising an additional $200,000 online by October 31. A challenge for our campaign for sure. Reaching this goal however, will put us at well over $400,000 raised online in October. Your contribution of $1 (A buck for Huck), $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or even $2,300 will help us reach our goal.
Will you help us?
If everyone that has already contributed to my campaign matches their last online contribution we will easily reach our goal. It's unrealistic to expect that kind of a result though. Those that can afford to make a second or even a third or fourth contribution to the campaign, I hope you will do so again. If you cannot at this time, I understand. We will rely on others to stand in for you.
If you haven't made a contribution yet, what are you waiting for?
Let me be clear, if you don't make a contribution we will fail to reach this end of October goal and even though we have led all Republicans in new ideas, we will eventually fail as a campaign because of a lack of money. That's a hard thing to swallow when so much is at stake for our country.
With the limited resources we have, we have learned to invest each dollar as if it were our last. We will invest your financial support over these final weeks in the same way.
Your contribution of $1 (A buck for Huck), $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or even $2,300 will not only help us reach our goal but will be invested in voter outreach, printed campaign materials and online, radio and television advertising.
Support our campaign today.
With deep gratitude,
Mike Huckabee
So there we have it gang! Can we raise $200,000 by Midnight on Halloween? I think we can! So what are you waiting for....LET'S GO!!
A Great Way To Support Mike! (UPDATED)
Please go check out Katie at Michigan Redneck. She's made some absolutely fabulous gifts and is selling them on ebay. After the fees to Ebay are paid all the proceeds are going to the Mike Huckabee Campaign! How sweet is that?
I put the first bid in for her 2nd pillow. I dare you to outbid me! I want to see that thing over 25 bucks in a few days people! LET'S GET IT DONE!!
EDIT - I would lik to apologize to KATHY for getting her name wrong, but also pass along her challenge. She wants to see her pillow go for $250. So let's get to it!
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Daily Kos Did What?
....The Daily Kos Complimented Mike Huckabee!? Go Read it. You won't believe it until you do. this is yet more evidence to support why Mike Huckabee needs to win the GOP nomination and become our next President. He has the ability to unite our country again.
More Great Poll Numbers!
Mike Huckabee's rising continues in the latest Rasmussen Tracking Poll! Kudos to Huckabee Hound where you can see the numbers for yourself. Hucks up to 8% (a new personal best in that poll which he seems to achieve every new poll that comes out from Rasmussen lately)! Are we watching the greatest political upset developing before our eyes?
BTW: Kevin Tracy is thinking exactly what I am thinking!
RUNNING LIST - GA elected officials contacted on Huck's behalf
this is a running list of the Georgia officials I have contacted on Mike Huckabee's behalf to garner their support. If you are reading from Georgia, please join me in doing so. If I get any responses I will also post them here. And yes I labeled the date as October of 08 so this remains a "sticky".
UPDATE - As of right now I am contacting the GOP members of the GA State House of Representatives. So far (including those contacted above) I have received only one reply, from GA Rep, Bob Horne (71st District which covers Coweta County , south of Atlanta). He supports Fred Thompson but believes Mike is a fine man and worth supporting if he wins the nomination next year. Even though it was not the reply I was hoping for at least someone has replied to me and I respect that. (October 7th)
I got a message Sunday night. from Rep. Ron Forster (GA House District 3 up in Catossa and Whitfield Counties). He told me that he would like Fred and Huckabee on the same ticket so Fred could be president for 4 years and Mike could serve for 8 years after him.
There is definitely support for Mike Huckabee in the Georgia House. I am thrilled to say that the support is growing and organizing behind Mike. The following are apart of his team already: Ed Setzler (Alpharetta), Mike Keown (Thomasville), Charlese Byrd (Woodstock), and Roger Hines (Former House member from Kennesaw). This is great news! (October 10th)
I received my first response from a member of Congress today from Lynn Westmoreland. He wrote to me and told me that he felt that it was unethical for him to endorse someone from his office and I greatly respect his viewpoint. (October 12th)
The following Video is Mike's speech at the "Defending The American Dream" summit hosted by Americans For Prosperity. Way to go Mike. Great speech!
Could Huckabee Be Mr. Right?
Go check out this excellent article published on Politico about Mike Huckabee. It's a Must Read!
We Got Really Close
I am impressed. We got really close to our goal this weekend. We raised almost $23,100 for Mike this weekend! Although we did not reach our goal of $25,000 we still did a pretty good job. Every dollar helps. Thank you!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
We Might Be Able To Make It!
An hour ago we were over $7,500 away from the goal of $25,000 and now we are about $5,800 away. We just might make it. If not we will at least raise more online than we did last weekend, which is great in my humble opinion.
Firing Back At The Club For Growth
the Club For Growth is continuing to attack Mike Huckabee (big surprise) and the President of the Arkansas Health Care Association is firing back:
October 13, 2007
With all due respect to my fellow fiscal conservative advocates, as President of the Arkansas Health Care Association during Governor Huckabee’s tenure, I wish to dispel criticisms of the provider tax that was initiated for the Arkansas nursing home program.
Governor Huckabee’s position should be considered as one that saved Arkansans from huge tax increases. Let me put the situation in perspective.
For over 20 years prior to the governor’s tenure, Arkansas paid for its nursing home program through a "negotiated" illegal class rate. The hammer was coming down on the entire program. Federal law requires a nexus between the rate and the cost of the care. Arkansas’ state government is required to operate with a balanced budget. For over 20 years the nursing home program survived with minuscule rate increases based largely on how much money could be negotiated in the final state budget. To compound the problem our class rate for nursing home care had fallen to an average of less than $64.00 per patient day which created a short fall of over $12.00 per patient day. Governor Huckabee’s administration, legislators, consumer advocates, and nursing home owners all agreed that care was sub-par, jeopardizing the entire Medicaid program.
Most suggested the old tax and spend philosophy. Raise income or sales taxes to fix the problem. Growth was not an option because there is a finite number of nursing homes and nursing home patients. A soft drink tax had been passed a few years before to prop up the Medicaid program.
The industry and key legislators brought the provider tax concept forth. It was agreed on by the Huckabee administration only after assurances were made for accountability and an entirely new payment methodology was implemented. The tax was placed on total receipts for nursing homes. I could explain in greater detail if asked.
Out of 228 nursing homes in Arkansas only 3 are private pay (that is, they refuse to admit patients who receive federal or state subsidies). These homes were opposed to the provider tax because Federal Law requires all providers be taxed the same. A wide-ranging group of legislators and Governor Huckabee agreed to raise additional Medicaid dollars with the provider tax increasing the matching 3 to 1 federal dollars for nursing homes. Without this solution we would have been faced with huge tax increases for the entire state of Arkansas or the entire Medicaid program in Arkansas could have been decertified.
I would be happy to answer any questions.
Jim Cooper
Arkansas Health Care Association
Sunday Morning Fundraising Update
Good morning everyone!
We're doing a little better this morning but we've still got a ways to go to make the $25,000 challenge. As of this moment(and I don't know when the last time the figure was updated...probably more than a few hours ago) we still need $13,513 to reach the goal. I am sure the number is lower right now it has just not been updated. Slowly but surely we are getting there. LET'S KEEP IT UP!
UPDATE - At 3 PM Eastern we are about $10,300 away. I am not sure if we can make it now but every little bit is going to help. We're at least going to match last weekend and that's a great thing.
We're getting there. With six hours left to reach our goal, we need a little over $8,600. We're getting there.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
A Call To Action For Georgia Mike Huckabee Supporters!!
Dear Fellow Huckabee Supporter:
Welcome to the Mike Huckabee Team! We are excited to have you on board. The key to Mike Huckabee carrying our great state of Georgia is one word . . . GRASSROOTS. With the efforts of thousands of volunteers like you, Mike Huckabee will win Georgia!
The very first thing that Mike needs you to do is to be a “multiplier” by contacting at least 10 households in your county in the next 10 days. With this letter are specific instructions on what Mike needs you to do to accomplish this goal. Second, Mike needs your help raising money in Georgia. If you, or someone you know, can host a fundraising event in your area please call me ASAP at 770-424-1324. And third, please keep us posted by email of any events in your area where the Mike Huckabee for President campaign needs to be present. Governor Huckabee thanks you for your support, and we are all thrilled to have you as part of our Huckabee for President Team!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at HuckabeeGeorgia@gmail.com.
Joe Dendy
Georgia Executive Director
Mike Huckabee for President Campaign
P.S. If you know of anyone else in another county in Georgia or in another state that wants to help with the campaign, please
email us at HuckabeeGeorgia@gmail.com.
To impact the 2008 presidential election Mike needs you to:
1. Make a list of 10 voting households in your county that could support Mike Huckabee for President.
2. Contact each of the 10 households and ask them to invest 8 minutes to view: www.tinyurl.com/349H9K.
3. Make a friendly call within 2-4 days to confirm that they have viewed the information.
4. Ask if they will commit to vote for Mike Huckabee in the presidential primary on Feb 5th.
5. If they commit send us their contact information to HuckabeeGeorgia@gmail.com.
6. Send them a Mike Huckabee for President bumper sticker.
7. Ask them to commit to contacting 10 households as a Mike Huckabee “multiplier”. If they agree, let us know at HuckabeeGeorgia@gmail.com.
As you have read, The huckabee Campaign has a $25,000 challenge this weekend. AS of this moment we are a little over $18,000 shy of the goal. C'mon people. Let's get this done!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Welcome To My New Readers!
Wow! Based on my Feed Burner meter, I have a lot more readers this week! Thank you very much everyone for visiting! I would really love to know who you all are. Please leave a comment so I can say hello to you personally! Welcome everyone!
Mike Huckabee To Co-Host Squawk Box Monday Morning!
Are you looking for a great way to start your week? Well on Monday morning, from 8 AM-9 AM Eastern, Mike Huckabee will be a Co-Host on CNBC's "Squawk Box" So on Monday morning get yoruself a steaming cup of coffee and don't miss mike Huckabee on CNBC! I won't!
New Campaign Fundraising Goal This Weekend - $25,000
This evening, the Mike Huckabee Campaign posted a new Weekend fundraising goal of $25,000. Can we get it done? I THINK WE CAN!!!
So far about one hour after the challenge was made we have $23,836 left to raise. That's pretty good for one hour! Let's keep up the pace and get it done!
Mike Supports Veterans Bill of Rights!
Today Mike posted his ideas for a Veterans Bill of Rights in his campaign blog. They are as follows:
The right to a mandatory rather than a discretionary mechanism for funding veterans' health care, to eliminate year-to-year uncertainty that the funds they need will be there for them
The right to obtain full and clear explanation of all benefits and comprehensive assistance in obtaining those benefits.
The right to have a claim processed within six months.
The right to the fullest possible accounting of the fate of POW/MIAs and the right to be designated as POW/MIA.
The right to access state-of-the-art treatment facilities for traumatic brain injuries.
The right of National Guard and Reserve personnel called to active service to receive the same benefits as active duty veterans.
The right of disabled veterans to receive both their military retirement and VA compensation.
The right of wounded Reserve troops to be treated like their active duty counterparts until their claims have been processed.
The right of wounded veterans and those who have served in combat theaters to a comprehensive GI bill that provides full tuition, books, fees, and living expenses at any institution to which the veteran is accepted.
Way to go Mike!
Fred Thompson - The Next Ronald Regan?
I just have to share this. Kevin Tracy strikes again with this video of Fred Thompson during his first debate. For a man who is supposed to be "The Next Ronald Regan" he sure doesn't communicate like him.
Mike Responds To Dan Bartlett
This week brings an interview with Mike Huckabee in Newsweek. In that article Mike responds to Dan Bartlett's comments. Earlier this week Dan had said some very nice things about the former Governor of Arkansas but doubted that Mike was electable because of his last name.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Huckabee's Rising Continues!
Today the latest Fox News poll was released and it shows Huck's poll numbers on the rise!
Giuliani 29 (-5 vs last poll September 11-12)
Thompson 16 (-6)
McCain 12 (-4)
Romney 11 (+3)
Huckabee 5 (+3)
Undecided 17 (+6)
Note that the margin of error is 6% and the high amount of undecided voters right now. Where are they going to break? That's the big question but the trend is for someone other than the guys at the top. Yet another poll where Mike scores better than he has ever been previously.
Great Poetry about Mike, Fred, & the FairTax!
Big ups to one of my reader's, Ian for coming up with this very awesome poem which sums up my feelings as well:
Fred, Fred, where's your cred?
Will you let me keep my bread?
FairTax, Yes! 'er FairTax, No!
Just another politico?
Hope for tax reform, I see,
Will be voting HUCKABEE!
Mike Huckabee Goes Green
This coming Weekend Mike Huckabee is going green. He will be attending the following on Saturday:
3:00 p.m. ET – Manchester, NH—Speaks at the Global Warming & Energy Solutions Conference, Radisson Hotel, 700 Elm St. Contact: Debra Vanderbeek, Tel: 603-986-9145
5:00 p.m. ET – Loudon, NH – Attends Meet & Greet at the 21st Century Demonstration GREEN Home owned by Steve and Nash Reddy, 45 Creekwater Rd. Contact: Debra Vanderbeek, Tel:













This comes on the heels of winning the favor of CLEANTECH on their short list of Republican Presidential Nominees with at least a fair environmental plan/record.