Monday, August 18, 2008

Mike Huckabee: "Shalom For Israel!"

The following was posted to Mike Huckabee's blog this afternoon. Mike is now traveling through Israel:

I arrived in Israel at 8am on Monday morning after an all night flight from New York. I’d spoken at the Christian Coalition in Orlando, FL on Saturday night and earlier that day, participated in the “Call,” a gathering of 50,000 believers on the Capitol Mall in Washington, D. C. It’s been a busy weekend, mostly on airlines and getting through airports.

It’s my 10th time to Israel. I never grow tired of coming here. I’ve been visiting Jewish families who have chosen to live here and raise their families here as well as meeting with some of the leading government officials. I got here only to find out that the New York Post has a story saying that I said it’s safer to be in Israel than American cities. Sometimes, it gets very frustrating to deal with the press. I don’t think they always try to get things wrong, but boy, do they!

I didn’t say I felt safer in Israel than the USA, but that I don’t feel afraid in Israel, and that in SOME AMERICAN cities, I don’t always feel safe. I pointed out that every city has dangers and risks and I don’t think of Israel as any more dangerous than most American cities. Now, that paper makes it sound like I’m saying America is not safe.

Last week, there were reports that portrayed me as saying that conservative voters would be okay with Mitt Romney on the ticket with John McCain. I didn’t say that. I specifically said these things:

1. That I committed to support the ticket and would do so.

2. That many conservatives would have a problem with Romney and that it had NOTHING to do with his faith, but his inconsistent views. I said that I personally would still vote for McCain if he picked Romney, but thought there were many who wouldn’t, including many people who supported me. I further said I hoped he didn’t pick someone to be his VP who wasn’t. pro-life.

3. I didn’t bring these issues up, but tried to respond honestly to questions.

HuckPAC Team, don’t believe everything you read. (Except the good stuff!)

Gotta go for now---keep speaking out on the forums and watch for me on Hannity and Colmes on Wednesday night and Fox and Friends on Thursday morning.

Have a great day!

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