Thursday, December 20, 2007


If you remember a post from last night I told you that the rumors were that Tom Tancredo was going to drop out of the race today. He did in fact do so. No surprise there. He had a chance to endorse another candidate. The surprise is who he did endorse.

Tancredo has endorsed Mitt Romney.

WHAT THE $#*%?

Remember Tom Tancredo has really run on one issue and that is immigration. He is a hard liner on the issue. So he throws all of those principles down the garbage to endorse Romney? Thompson or even Ron Paul I can understand. BUT ROMNEY?! You've got to be out of your cotton pickin' mind, Tancredo, you sell out! I am embarrassed that I even considered supporting you for this election. Romney is even softer on Illegal immigration than Huckabee is perceived to be! Remember those illegals working of Romney's front lawn that he permitted? What about all those sanctuary cities that Romney did nothing about? Where do you get the idea that he even remotely matches your opinions on the issue? Not only that but you, a pro-lifer, have thrown yourself behind someone who has more flip flops than the International House of Pancakes on Abortion! I also thought the FairTax was important to you but you have endorsed a candidate that is vehemently opposed to the initiative.

SHAME ON YOU TANCREDO!!! I've lost all respect for you. I support Huckabee but had no expectations that you would endorse Mike. However I never expected you to shove your principles and values down the craphole by selling them out to Mr. Moneybags like you have done today! Best of luck to you if you do decide to run for the US Senate. You're going to have a lot of explaining to do to your electorate. I hope they take a long, hard look at what you have just done. You deserve to be whipped at the ballot box and kept home. I am so glad that you are not my representative.

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