Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday Roundup - 5 Days Until Iowa!

Good afternoon everyone!

Welcome to my new readers who may have found me at the Georgia Front Page blog: State & National Elections! Thanks for posting a link to me. I'm not sure how they found me but I am very proud to be a linked from that blog, or any blog for that matter. Welcome aboard!

Saturday is usually a quiet day but not this Saturday. We're down to cases and it's CRUNCH time. We are now 5 days from the Iowa Caucuses. It's getting really heated out there (but not enough to melt the snow in Frozen Iowa)! Time for a Roundup to get you cuaght up to date with the latest developments.

Yesterday Mike helpd a bloggers conference. As always it is a great honor and pleasure to be invited. There must have been a ton of people on the call but there was not much time for Mike to answer questions. I did have a question prepared but I will share that one down the page a little bit. You can read a synopsis of the call prepared by Kerry from Michigan at her excellent, One Mom Blog. There was a lot discussed all at once. I am very happy to hear and see reports from the groun in Iowa. I feel we are going to make political history up we did at the Straw Poll back in August. The crowds are immense and enthusiastic wherever Mike goes and he claims that 1,000 each day are commiting to caucus for him on the website. In a very close race this is very key. I hope to have some first-hand accounts from the field for you soon.

After the Blogger's conference Mike held one with the media. You can read a synopsis here (with audio).

Mike has two new ads running in Iowa. I think they are excellent, especially the ones regarding the negativity in other ads.

There are a ton of polls from Iowa out recently and they are absolutely all over the place. One has Romney with a big lead, one has Mike with a huge lead, others show them pretty much tied. The polls are really meaningless at this point. The only thing that maters is who comes out to caucus on the chilly night January 3rd and who stays home to watch the Orange Bowl instead. the race on the Democratic side is even closer with three horses neck and neck with each other. This is sure fun to watch!

Stay tuned for more as we get closer and closer to Caucus night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link. It was good to be able to talk with Gov. Huckabee this close to the first Caucus. You're right about the polls being all over the place ... at this point, the only "poll" that counts is what happens Thursday night. It's going to be a wild week I think.


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