Friday, February 29, 2008

Rested & Recharged...I am Back!

It has been quite some time since you have heard from me. So you must be wondering why I have been idle? Well I honestly was burnt out. I've been involved with the Huckabee Campaign since August and almost non-stop since October. The biggest gap of time I allowed myself to actually rest was the weekend of Christmas. There was a weekend in early December and a week in February but I was ill during those times and really didn't get to recharge. There were also some things that I just had neglected to do during like cleaning my room for instance.

Well after a week and a half I am ready to get back in the race. The call has been made for ALL HANDS ON DECK this weekend and I am not going to be AWOL this weekend! Huckabee hasn't given up and stopped running the race for neither should we stop running the race with him!

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