Friday, August 24, 2007

Yet another reason to Vote for Mike!

Today former House speaker Newt Gingrich wrote an excellent Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times. You can read it here. Newt, as part of his American Solutions campaign has come up with a plan to transform the presidential debates into something much more productive than what we have currently. In the tradition of the legendary Douglas-Lincoln debates Newt wants 9 debates between the two nominated candidates in which all the important issues of the day are discussed and debated between Labor Day and Election Day. Newt has encouraged all of the GOP and Democrat Presidential candidates to sign a pledge that if they become their party's nominee for President that they will participate in the 9 debates with the nominee from the other party. Only one presidential candidate from either party has signed the pledge. While Rudy Guiliani has informally said he would participate, only Mike Huckabee has signed the pledge.

I didn't know I could admire Mike anymore than I already did, but I do! Signing Newt's pledge says a heck of a lot about the former Governor from Arkansas. Huck has made a statement that says that he is the only candidate that shoots straight and is honest enough to participate in a productive debate in front of the American people. if Mike remains the only candidate to sign the pledge this is a big feather in his hat for the campaign (Don't get me wrong...I'd love nothing more to see many more candidates sign the pledge). Way to go Huckabee!


Bob Hayton said...

Thanks for linking to me. I'm going to subscribe to your site, too. Like you I'm a Huckabee fan. I don't really dig politics all that much, but Huckabee seems a breath of fresh air.

Gus Spoon said...

I think this is an important post.
I would like to use certain excerpts on my BLOG.
I try to keep it as simple as possible.
People don't seem to have much time for politics!

It is a nasty business I admit!

BDBopper said...

Feel free to do exactly that. Please let your readers know about me@ Thanks!

Lisa said...

great Post! If Newt Gingrich endorsed Mike Huckabee, there would be no stopping the momentum that news like this would bring!
MA For Huckabee

BDBopper said...

I agree! I believe that if enough time passes and no one else signs this pledge than Newt will formally endorse Mike. Apparently Mike and Newt have worked together recently on a few projects. There was an article they wrote together for a web site on healt.


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