Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Fundraising suggestion for The Huckabee Campaign

I think it is awesome and wonderful that there are several nice traditional campaign fundraising events being held to add money to the Huckabee coffers. Note I used the word "Traditional. That means the customary fancy $500-,$1,000 a-head events. I think they are a wonderful way to raise money for our cause.

However I have an additional suggestion. this campaign is about the folks on "Main Street" instead of "Wall Street." How about organizing smaller, localized events to raise money from Huckabee supporters who are not-as-wealthy. These events could be BBQ's or Picnics that would raise $25-$100 a person. Of course Mike Huckabee does not have to attend each one as he has more important places to be and other locales to visit and spread his message of hope.

Do you think this is a good suggestion? Let me know what you think?

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