Friday, August 31, 2007

Huck Is The Real Deal - Thoughts On Today's Blogger's Call

First of all I am very honored and proud to be an official "Blogger For Huckabee!" I have been interested in the politicalreal of things for a while but I have never really gotten behind a candidate in my short life like I have for Mike.

Last night I received an invitation to a "Blogger's Conference Call" with the former Arkansas Governor. I couldn't have been any more excited. I quickly sent in my RSVP to proper person and set my watch for 2 PM. It never dawned on me until that time today that I had never participated in a conference call before. Thus, I did not make the proper choice of how to call in. I make a lot of phone calls now via Skype, unless I have free time on my cell phone during nights and weekends. I called in using that method. I quickly learned that it was not in my best interest to do so. I was not able to ask a question because to do so I had to "Press the 1 key" and Skype does not have that ability. Next time I will definitely use my phone to make the call.

As for the call itself I was greatly impressed (like I needed anything else to sell me on Huck). He was nice, friendly and quite personable, just as he is on TV. I hope to see him at a live venue sometime in the near future and I am quite certain Mike will be the same in that environment as well.

To kick things off there was a summary of what has happened since the Iowa Straw Poll and the big bump in 'mo that has occurred since. There are now 150 fellow "Bloggers For Huckabee", the website has had 3.2 million hits, and contributions are now through the roof compared to before the straw poll. There will be no resting on laurels as there are plans set in motion by volunteers to raise considerably more more money in the next sixty days!

For the rest of the thirty minute call, questions were taken and politely and intelligently answered. Topics ranged from the economy, to health care, to the effect Fred Thompson's entry into the fray next week to the campaign. eyeon08 has a summary of the call here. The blog also has his own analysis of the call and Huckabee's current situation here.

All-in-all I was impressed with the experience. I can't wait to participate in the next call.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Huckabee Momentum Continues, Huckabee In Georgia September 8th!

More great news in the Huckabee camp today as we head towards Labor Day!

First of all, following his appearance at their convention this week, The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers has given their endorsement to Mike Huckabee for the Republican primaries! He was the only GOP Presidential candidate with the guts to appear down at their convention in Orlando, Florida (BTW Hilary Clinton got their endorsement for the Democrat side). More info can be found in this article in today's Miami Herald.

The good news doesn't stop there folks! Huckabee's jump since his 2nd place finish at the Iowa GOP Straw Poll can now be seen in the polls in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina

Not only do the polls show Huckabee's increased momentum, but there are citizens flocking to his campaign speeches as well. The Des Moines Register has a report here.

Meanwhile, Huckabee continues to travel the country delivering his message of Hope for our nation and our future. On September 8th, Mike will be campaigning in my home state of Georgia. That morning he will be speaking to the Cobb County GOP at a breakfast in Kennesaw. That evening he will be at a campaign dinner-fundraiser in Buckhead. For all the details please check out the blog, Georgia For Huckabee I'm really hoping he has a chance to get over to the Gwinnett County area sometime that day or weekend, since it would be much easier for me to get over to see him speak (since I have to arrange transportation with someone because of my visual impairment). I suppose time will tell. Regardless it is great to know that Mike Huckabee is coming to "The Peach State!"

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Fundraising suggestion for The Huckabee Campaign

I think it is awesome and wonderful that there are several nice traditional campaign fundraising events being held to add money to the Huckabee coffers. Note I used the word "Traditional. That means the customary fancy $500-,$1,000 a-head events. I think they are a wonderful way to raise money for our cause.

However I have an additional suggestion. this campaign is about the folks on "Main Street" instead of "Wall Street." How about organizing smaller, localized events to raise money from Huckabee supporters who are not-as-wealthy. These events could be BBQ's or Picnics that would raise $25-$100 a person. Of course Mike Huckabee does not have to attend each one as he has more important places to be and other locales to visit and spread his message of hope.

Do you think this is a good suggestion? Let me know what you think?

Enough is Enough! It's time to unite and not divide!

It's been less than a decade since the Clinton impeachment circus. Since that point we have stood as a nation politically divided and highly polarized. You either have to be a Conservative or a Liberal, Republican or Democrat.There can't be a happy medium. Nothing in Washington is done for the good of the people or the nation. It's all party politics and politics as usual has thrown the concept of bi-partisanship out the window and into the garbage. As an Independent voter and an American I'm sick of this nonsense!

It's time for a change and in the immortal words of Sam Cooke "A Change is Gonna Come." It's time to rise up as one voice and demand a president who won't divide us any longer. Our future as a nation depends on it. Our enemies have already started gathering like vultures and hungry wolves at our doorstep because they can see our weakness since we are so very divided. We have brave men and women fighting for us abroad against an enemy that hates us and yet we remain divided at home. I don't care what your opinion is on Iraq or the War on Terror. However, in our present situation we might as well just bring them all home, retreat and surrender. We cannot achieve victory abroad in any sense without being united at home. If we were divided at home during World War II, we'd all be lampshades now. It's time we get behind someone who will unite us again.

What you're still reading? Excellent! That's where many politicians would stop and receive applause and step away from the stump or the microphone after tellings us what our problems are without presenting solutions to rectifying the situation. Not me. Not now. Not this time. Not that I am a politician, I'm just a common man giving his two cents to anyone who will read this blog.

How do we rectify the situation? We unite around the only presidential candidate that appeals to the masses on either side of the aisle, former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee. I endorse him not as a Democrat or a Republican, but as an American. If there is anyone that can unite us again it is a Washington outsider and Huck's the only viable candidate in either field that can claim that. I feel that Mike is the greatest communicator of ideas since Ronald Regan. No matter what you think about what he says you always know where he is going to stand on an issue. Mike's take on the issues of the day are straight from his mouth and not from some Political advisor. His opinions and stances on the issues will not change based on what other people think, what advisors tell him to say, how poll numbers come out, or the political winds changing direction. Granted I disagree with Mike on a few petty issues but unlike other candidates, Huck doesn't leave me with a sense of bitterness or anger towards him. Instead of offering some jelly beans to you (like Regan), Mike will give you a laugh, a smile, and maybe even some ear-pleasing bass licks with his rock band if you disagree with him There is not a man, woman, or child that would hate Huckabee as President of the United States. Wouldn't that be a breath of fresh air compared to the current status quo?
How do I know Huckabee has the appeal of the common man? Mike is going to places where a GOP candidate normally wouldn't dare to tread. He is appealing to his base one day and courting the NEA, Machinists Union, and the AARP and appear before television audiences that are predominatly liberal (like The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and Bill Maher) the next. He is definitely a uniter and not a divider.

So let's get behind a true winner. Remember "A House Divided Will Never Stand." Mike Huckabee is the only "Hope" for a true "United" States of America in 2008! As for me, I am voting for a change. I will proudly march to the voting booth on February 5th in the Georgia primary and vote for Huckabee . I will proudly do the exact same thing next November (even if I have to write his name in on the ballot). I hope you will join me!

Mike Huckabee on The Daily Show

One of the newest Huckabee blogs out there, Go Huckabee! has a great video on there which is a must see, Mike Huckabee's appearance on The Daily Show on Comedy Central. Again it is yet more evidence of Huckabee's cross-party appeal. Go check it out!

Huckabee gains in Oklahoma!

Great news! Mike Huckabee is making gains in Oklahoma! Mike is now in 2nd place behind the still-absent Fred Thompson in the latest Oklah0ma GOP party poll. More info one one of the newest blogs for Huckabee, OKforHuckabee. Go check it out!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Two Wonderful DooWop Events I want to post about

Yes the world I live in doesn't revolve around Mike Huckabee, all the time! LOL Like mike Huckabee is a fan of music and plays in his own band, I am a fan of music too. I am especially fond of "DooWop" - Vocal group harmony (by both white and black groups) from the 1950's and Earl 1960's. There are two events coming up that I want to give a plug.

One of them will be held locally in October in Jonesboro, GA. I am looking forward to this one because I can attend.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The next event is a DooWop Convention that is being put on by XM-Radio and syndicated Oldies personality, Cool Bobby B in Las Vegas this coming November. I can't attend but maybe you can. It looks like it will be a ton of fun!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Would you help my friend raise money for a great cause?

I got this message on Myspace today from one of my good Online friends and I thought I should pass it along since she is raising money for a great cause. Thanks for reading!


just wanted to let you all know...if anyone is interested. If you or anyone you know wants AVON you can go directly to my website, order online & the products get shipped directly to you :-)

i'm doing this to raise funds to enter my first Team In Training next year! Haven't quite decided if i'm going to do the Hawaii one or Disneyland, but those of you who really know me know which one i'll most likely pick!
who needs coconuts anyway! haha!


Huckabee Blog Highlights

I've been busy lately but that has not stopped me from searching the blogosphere for notable posts about Mike Huckabee.

Our first stop is Kevin Tracy, who makes a very emotional and heartfelt plea to raise money for the Huckabee campaign. I'd give you a similar request but I can't say it better than him!

Next stop is Tim Trowbridge's Blog with more more evidence of Mike's cross-party appeal.

Mike Huckabee For Colorado highlights the issue that sold me on Mike in the first place, The FairTax!

has more about Huckabee's cross-party appeal with a synopsis of some places Mike has been campaigning where Republicans don't usually dare to tread.

When Huckabee becomes the GOP's nominee (I am a positive thinker), Here's a very thoughtful suggestion for his running mate.

There are definitely other notable blog posts out there but I am just too busy at the moment to share them, let alone digest them all. Thanks for understanding!

Congratulations to Scott Slade and the WSB Radio Team!

I wanted to congratulate Scott Slade and his entire team at WSB Radio, here in Atlanta. The Care-A-Thon they did to benefit the AFLAC Children's Cancer Center was a roaring success. The Grand total raised was $1.24 Million! They did a great job. Thanks You to anyone that donated to the cause!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Welcome new readers!

I would like to take a minute to welcome all the new readers to my blog. Thanks for stopping by. I also want to give a big shout out to all the Huckabee supporters from Georgia and around the nation reading. Regardless, please leave a comment and let me know you are out there. Also if you would like your blog linked to here I would be more than happy to oblige. I hope everyone is having a fantastic and blessed Sunday!

Mike Huckabee on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher"

In case you missed it, here is Mike Huckabee's appearance from Friday night on HBO (courtesy of a Youtube search):

It was a short interview but a very important one that the GOP voters need to pay attention to. Listen to the applause and praise he gets from an audience that is not the conservative base in any sense of the word. Look at Mike's cross-party appeal. This is someone that will not only unite the party, but unite the nation. If nominated for President with a message that crosses party lines, how could Mike lose?

A Great idea for a Huckabee Message Board

During my search around the blogs today, Sloane Reality has an excellent idea that I think should be utilized for Team Huckabee, a message board!

Check out the idea here

Friday, August 24, 2007

Yet another reason to Vote for Mike!

Today former House speaker Newt Gingrich wrote an excellent Op-Ed in the Los Angeles Times. You can read it here. Newt, as part of his American Solutions campaign has come up with a plan to transform the presidential debates into something much more productive than what we have currently. In the tradition of the legendary Douglas-Lincoln debates Newt wants 9 debates between the two nominated candidates in which all the important issues of the day are discussed and debated between Labor Day and Election Day. Newt has encouraged all of the GOP and Democrat Presidential candidates to sign a pledge that if they become their party's nominee for President that they will participate in the 9 debates with the nominee from the other party. Only one presidential candidate from either party has signed the pledge. While Rudy Guiliani has informally said he would participate, only Mike Huckabee has signed the pledge.

I didn't know I could admire Mike anymore than I already did, but I do! Signing Newt's pledge says a heck of a lot about the former Governor from Arkansas. Huck has made a statement that says that he is the only candidate that shoots straight and is honest enough to participate in a productive debate in front of the American people. if Mike remains the only candidate to sign the pledge this is a big feather in his hat for the campaign (Don't get me wrong...I'd love nothing more to see many more candidates sign the pledge). Way to go Huckabee!

Friday On My Mind

Happy Friday everyone! I have some thoughts for today.

- First of all Happy Birthday Mike Huckabee!

- Speaking of Huckabee, GOP voters really should seriously consider Huck. He is quite likable, even from people on the other side of the political aisle,. Massachusetts For Huckabee posted video and a story today that you might want to read. Even Obama likes Mike!

-Also I am proud to now be listed on the Official Mike Huckabee blog roll, as a "Blogger for Huckabee"! I had some time this morning so I went through the blogroll and put links to the active blogs in the "Bloggers for Huckabee" section down the right side of the page. If you are a Blogger for Huckabee, support him, and/or just want to be linked here please leave a comment and I will get put it up for ya! There are some great blogs in the roll already. Check 'em out!

-While your at it, go check out Mike Huckabee's official site today. There are some great stories and news articles from the past week that are linked to, as well as great news about recent endorsements Mike has received in New Hampshire and Virginia.

- The Care-A-Thon continues for the AFLAC Children's Cancer Center this afternoon. As of this post the listeners of AM 750 WSB in Atlanta have raised over $630,000 with about 3 hours left officially (the last hour-5 PM Eastern-tends to jam the lines since AFLAC traditionally doubles each pledge during the last hour with no limit, thus the lines usually stay open into the evening after the end of the event). Check a couple of entries down for info on how you can make a difference in the life of a child!

-For the first time in a month we got rain at my house yesterday! It's been so hot and dry here lately. It was wonderful and I praise God for the rain. There's more chances of rain and thunderstorms through the next week. We could use any rain we can get. Bring it on!

-Should be a great weekend. NASCAR is at exciting Bristol, 25 for 25 begins tomorrow, And better yet we're less than a week before the College Football season begins! Yay! :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

25 For 25 - Join Me And Make A Goal For A Healthier Lifestyle!

I am pretty sure you can see my profile picture there in the corner. That was a few years ago. I am heavier than that now. I am a little short of a month out from turning 25. To me this is a big deal.

When I was born I was blessed (yes...I consider it a blessing) with many birth defects. Most prevalent is my visual impairment, however I was born with many others. I do not have all the joints in my fingers. I was born with a bilateral cleft palate, no actual nose on my face (just holes where one should be...a nose has since been built on my face through plastic surgery during my childhood), a pituitary dysfunction, among other things. The doctors told my parents, after testing me for every disease and disorder under the sun, that I would not live past six months. They said that even if I did I would be a "vegetable". Facing all of this. pneumonia set in at 2 months and I was rushed in to ICU as my heart began to fail.. With God's blessing emergency surgery on Thanksgiving, 1982 was successful and here I am!

Every day is a blessing to me and hitting a Quarter Century next month (on September 19th) is a huge deal to someone who was not supposed to live past six months. The Big 25 is a much more important number to me than 16, 18, or 21. I see it as my coming of age. Although I will always feel young at heart, I will no longer be a child. I will be a man. Even though I am quite content with the life I have lived thus far I'd love to live as long as I can and I need to take proactive steps to achieve this. My candidate for President, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, is definitely an inspiration in this endeavor. He has recently taken proactive steps to become more active and has lost several pounds.

Anyway, Saturday, August 25th marks 25 days until I turn 25. I am setting a goal for myself. Each day, starting Saturday, until I turn 25 I am going to ride on my exercise bike for 25 minutes. I want to issue a challenge to anyone reading this blog. You don't have to do the same thing for 25 consecutive days. However I want each of you to make a health-related goal for yourself. It could be something that make you more active, or adding something healthy to your diet (or taking something unhealthy out of your diet).

C'mon folks. Join me and together we can make a difference for a more healthy you!

FairTax photos and videos from Iowa are up!

It's been a few weeks since the Iowa Republican Straw Poll. Right afterwards, Americans For Fair Taxation promised photos and videos from their successful operations in Iowa (statewide bus tour and Rally at the Straw Poll itself). Those photos and videos have finally arrived!

Also in the newsletter I received this morning is that the swanky FairTax bus is coming to Georgia this September! As soon as I get the details I will write it up here for all of you to read. And yes when the bus comes rolling through I will be there and do my darndest to get pictures for ya!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

WSB Radio Atlanta's Annaul Care-A-Thon

Starting tomorrow morning (the 23rd) lasting through 6 PM Eastern on Friday (the 24th), AM 750 WSB in Atlanta will be holding their annual Care-A-Thon benefiting the Aflac Children's Cancer Center at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Cancer is a terrible thing but it is even more so when it affects young children. They do great work down there at the Center and treat kids from all over the country. Last year the Care=A=Thon raised over 1 Million dollars, bringing the stations overall total through the years to over 4.5 Million! The money raised is used to take care of the kids and their families, as well as fund important research designed to eradicate the pestilence that is Childhood cancer and blood disorders. Why don't you help the cause too? More info can be found at WSB's page (where you can donate right there or find the phone number to call during the 37 hour event). Thank you for reading!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Mike Huckabee (August 24th)!

Friday, August 24th is Mike Huckabee's Birthday! If you're interested please go sign his electronic Birthday Card and wish him well. And while you're there why not contribute some money to his campaign and help make a difference and help fulfill his and my hope for a better tomorrow here in America!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Let's Give Hope Another Chance!

Wanted to share one of many great op-eds that I have read this week on Mike Huckabee from the National Review. I personally consider Huck the best "Hope" that America has had in quite awhile for a better tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How dare you, Mitt Romney - My vote cannot be bought!!

GOP presidential candidate, former MA Governor, Mitt Romney is in Atlanta today and gave away lunch at The Varsity this afternoon. How dare he? This isn't an election for student body president. We're dealing with an election for President of the United States. My vote cannot be bought. How dare he! Don't get me wrong but Mitt can do what he wants and campaign how he wants but I sick of politics as usual and pandering for votes in this fashion. I look forward to throw out politics as usual in the trashcan next February when I vote for Mike Huckabee in the GOP primary!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Well it didn't take long to hear from the FairTax on Iowa

Just an hour or so after my last post an E-mail newsletter came in from - The newsletter is also published here - They are really happy with the results of the Straw Poll, with Huckabee taking 2nd place. They also promise photos and videos from their operations on the day of the Straw Poll and from their statewide bus tour they have been rolling through Iowa the past few weeks. Their next phase of operations is now in preparation mode and includes another rally somewhere on the East coast.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Today the Iowa GOP straw poll was held in Ames, the site of Iowa State University. It was anticipated that Mitt Romney would win as he has poured millions of dollars into his Iowa operations. Mitt did win. Cyclone Conservative has the total numbers.

I am very pleased to say that the candidate that I support, Mike Huckabee took 2nd place with 18.1 percent of the vote! This is very huge for the former Governor of Arkansas who is, over time, climbing his way up the ladder of candidates. Note that Guilianai, McCain, or Fred Thompson did not participate so the competition was lighter than it could have been for a candidate, such as Huckabee who clearly lacks the funds that Romney has been able to collect. This is a huge victory for my guy and i hope it results in the turning of some more heads and the opening up of some wallets.

How did the Fair Tax do? Not sure. I suppose a full report will come from Neal Boortz who was up in Ames today, on monday morning. I don't think they had the immense support or grabbed as much attention as the Fair Taxers did last May in Columbia, SC. However while Americans For Fair Taxation does not endorse a particular candidate, the candidate that is the standard bearer, compared to everyone else in the field, for the FairTax took 2nd at the Straw Poll (Tancredo who also endorses the movement came in 4th. Duncan Hunter who endorses the Fair Tax didn't do as well and might drop out).

Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 9, 2007


As I have stated before I am interested in politics and follow the political process closely as I believe it is my duty as an American citizen to do so (there are far too many people out there that don't and that's very sad). I consider myself to be a political independent. I usually vote Republican or Libertarian (I did and am proud to have voted for former GA Democrat senator Zell Miller). As far as foreign policy I side with the Conservatives but I lean to the Libertarians at home. I believe in the strict interpretation of the Constitution.

Obviously since the campaign for the White House has already begun I have decided on the candidate that I support. That candidate is Mike Huckabee. I am a supporter of the Fair Tax, an idea that would shut down the IRS and replace our current tax on income to a tax on consumption. The measure would replace income tax, social security tax, corporate taxes, etc with a 23 percent national sales tax. It would make the United States as the world's Tax haven. All those businesses that run overseas for tax purposes would come home and more International businesses would follow. Fore more info on the Fair Tax click here.

I believe the Fair Tax is so important to our economic future I have become a one-issue voter. There are other candidates vying for the White House that support the measure but I really like Mike Huckabee the most. He presents a positive message for the future of this country that anyone can identify with. For those of you not familiar with Mike Huckabee he is a former Governor of Arkansas (sound familiar?) but he is definitely not Bill Clinton by any stretch of the imagination. Below is a video that someone put together that gives you a general idea of why I like Mike and why I think he is the presidential candidate that everyone should support.

Please note that I did not make this video and I am not being paid or getting any political favors for sharing it. I believe in the message and content of the video and that is why I am sharing it with you.


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